Выпускники Санкт-Петербургского Государственного Университета (Ленинградского Государственного Университета) Выпускники СПБГУ - главная страница [помощь] [о нашем сайте] [выпускники] [бытие]
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Всего выпускников: 16166.

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  С„ак. РіРѕРґ РёРјСЏ
251.Географ 1967 fImlorrE(-1 OR 3+986-986-1=0+0+0+1 --) fImlorrE fImlorrE
252.Географ 1967 fImlorrE(-1 OR 2+986-986-1=0+0+0+1 --) fImlorrE fImlorrE
253.Географ 1967 fImlorrE(xro9xPmR) fImlorrE fImlorrE
254.Географ 1967 fImlorrE fImlorrE 1
255.Географ 1967 fImlorrE fImlorrE @@dBTsD
256.Географ 1967 fImlorrE fImlorrE 1\'"
257.Географ 1967 fImlorrE fImlorrE 0\'XOR(if(now()=sysdate(),sleep(15),0))XOR\'Z
258.Географ 1967 fImlorrE fImlorrE 0"XOR(if(now()=sysdate(),sleep(15),0))XOR"Z
259.Географ 1967 fImlorrE fImlorrE oNGwLqY5\') OR 263=(SELECT 263 FROM PG_SLEEP(0))--
260.Географ 1967 fImlorrE fImlorrE if(now()=sysdate(),sleep(15),0)
261.Географ 1967 fImlorrE fImlorrE XYqX76Z7\') OR 468=(SELECT 468 FROM PG_SLEEP(3))--
262.Географ 1967 fImlorrE fImlorrE DJkaz3OL\') OR 896=(SELECT 896 FROM PG_SLEEP(6))--
263.Географ 1967 fImlorrE fImlorrE QFxU9j0v\' OR 843=(SELECT 843 FROM PG_SLEEP(0))--
264.Географ 1967 fImlorrE fImlorrE E9vUZq0o\') OR 990=(SELECT 990 FROM PG_SLEEP(15))--
265.Географ 1967 fImlorrE fImlorrE kYuM0DWU\' OR 486=(SELECT 486 FROM PG_SLEEP(6))--
266.Географ 1967 fImlorrE fImlorrE m2wqS1HH\' OR 563=(SELECT 563 FROM PG_SLEEP(3))--
267.Географ 1967 fImlorrE fImlorrE KOQGqops\' OR 249=(SELECT 249 FROM PG_SLEEP(15))--
268.Географ 1967 fImlorrE fImlorrE TuRneh65\')); waitfor delay \'0:0:15\' --
269.Географ 1967 fImlorrE fImlorrE LbBGpzGB\')); waitfor delay \'0:0:0\' --
270.Географ 1967 fImlorrE fImlorrE jzagL3hH\' OR 988=(SELECT 988 FROM PG_SLEEP(15))--
271.Географ 1967 fImlorrE fImlorrE 8wkJwsG5\')); waitfor delay \'0:0:6\' --
272.Географ 1967 fImlorrE fImlorrE JD3ppGAc\')); waitfor delay \'0:0:15\' --
273.Географ 1967 fImlorrE fImlorrE 8xmjfJiE\'); waitfor delay \'0:0:0\' --
274.Географ 1967 fImlorrE fImlorrE 2cpgwAXC\'; waitfor delay \'0:0:0\' --
275.Географ 1967 fImlorrE fImlorrE X0OXuD9i\'); waitfor delay \'0:0:15\' --
276.Географ 1967 fImlorrE fImlorrE 0tXuHOdY\'); waitfor delay \'0:0:6\' --
277.Географ 1967 fImlorrE fImlorrE 1 waitfor delay \'0:0:3\' --
278.Географ 1967 fImlorrE fImlorrE RZ1aTdvI\'; waitfor delay \'0:0:15\' --
279.Географ 1967 fImlorrE fImlorrE SUZfN78g\'; waitfor delay \'0:0:6\' --
280.Географ 1967 fImlorrE fImlorrE -1" OR 3+300-300-1=0+0+0+1 --
281.Географ 1967 fImlorrE fImlorrE 1 waitfor delay \'0:0:15\' --
282.Географ 1967 fImlorrE fImlorrE -1" OR 2+300-300-1=0+0+0+1 --
283.Географ 1967 fImlorrE fImlorrE -1\' OR 3+526-526-1=0+0+0+1 or \'mtoVbBpU\'=\'
284.Географ 1967 fImlorrE fImlorrE -1\' OR 3+84-84-1=0+0+0+1 --
285.Географ 1967 fImlorrE fImlorrE -1\' OR 2+526-526-1=0+0+0+1 or \'mtoVbBpU\'=\'
286.Географ 1967 fImlorrE fImlorrE -1\' OR 2+84-84-1=0+0+0+1 --
287.Географ 1967 fImlorrE fImlorrE -1 OR 3+56-56-1=0+0+0+1
288.Географ 1967 fImlorrE fImlorrE -1 OR 2+56-56-1=0+0+0+1
289.Географ 1967 fImlorrE fImlorrE -1 OR 3+211-211-1=0+0+0+1 --
290.Географ 1967 fImlorrE fImlorrE SKb1ElhH
291.Географ 1967 fImlorrE fImlorrE -1 OR 2+211-211-1=0+0+0+1 --
292.Географ 1967 @@wM36d(fImlorrE) fImlorrE fImlorrE
293.Географ 1967 1(fImlorrE) fImlorrE fImlorrE
294.Географ 1967 1\'"(fImlorrE) fImlorrE fImlorrE
295.Географ 1967 fImlorrE\'||\'(fImlorrE) fImlorrE fImlorrE
296.Географ 1967 fImlorrE\'|||\'(fImlorrE) fImlorrE fImlorrE
297.Географ 1967 -1 OR 2+956-956-1=0+0+0+1(fImlorrE) fImlorrE fImlorrE
298.Географ 1967 -1 OR 3+956-956-1=0+0+0+1(fImlorrE) fImlorrE fImlorrE
299.Географ 1967 fImlorrE" AND 2*3*8=6*8 AND "UpUD"="UpUD(fImlorrE) fImlorrE fImlorrE
300.Географ 1967 d7xFEzab(fImlorrE) fImlorrE fImlorrE

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