Выпускники Санкт-Петербургского Государственного Университета (Ленинградского Государственного Университета) Выпускники СПБГУ - главная страница [помощь] [о нашем сайте] [выпускники] [бытие]

 Выпускник СПБГУ

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Jazmati Muhamad

Математико-Механический факультет, выпуск 1991 г.
отделение/кафедра: "astronomy".


Saudi Arabia,г.Buraida,Kassim,
Address: King Saud University, Qasseem
тел.дом.: 009666381473";"0096656134730

Научная деятельность:
Научная степень: 'к.н.'
Тема диссертации или область научных исследований: 
"The study of vision-Zones of the Satillites and their geometrical Trakcs".
Syria -   Astronom

Личные данные:
Родился(-ась) 01.06.1961 в городе Syria.
Место жительства: Saudi Arabia, Buraida
Женат: да
Детей: 3

Биография после окончания Университета:

Name: Mohammed S. Jazmati

Current job: Assistant Professor

Date of birth: June 10/06/1961

Nationality: Syrian

Marital Status: Married

1. Lecturer in Mathematics Dept., Aleppo Univ., 1991-1992.
2. Lecturer. In Mathematics Dept., Aleppo Univ., 1992-1993.
3. Lecturer in Mathematics Dept., Aleppo Univ., 1993-1995.
4. Assistant Professor in Mathematics Dep., Aleppo univ., 1995- present.

Пожелания и комментарии:
Scientific Articles Published:

1. Kinematics and dynamics of a planar platform-type Manipulator, International Mathematical Journal -2002.

2.Determination of the Singular Points on Satellites,Tracks and the Geometrical Status of the Adjacent Tracks, International Mathematical Journal 2003.

3.Kinematics Analysis of planar Mechanical Systems in Cartesian Coordinates , International Mathematical Journal -2003.

4.The stop points on Satellites tracks and the geometrical status of the tracks adjacent to. Bulletin of Aleppo univ., Basic Sciences Series.2000.
5. Equations of motion of a point mass with anon-holmonic constraint of the 2nd order. Bulletin of Aleppo univ., Basic Sciences Series.2000.
6. Vision packet of satellites. Bulletin of, Sant-Petersburg Univ. Russian, 1993.
7. Geometric properties for the trajectories of the moving Satellites along ellipses, Bulletin of Sant-Petersburg univ. Russian, 1992.
8. Geometric properties for the trajectories of the moving Satellites, Bulletin of Sant-Petersburg univ.Russian,1992. 9.Some properties for the traces of circular Satellites, Bulletin of Sant-Petersburg,Univ., Russian, 1991.

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